I just dug a bit deeper into the bext chunk incompatibility issue with the =
REAPER (and other) software, such as the RiffPad.
It turned out that there was indeed a byte alignment issue (Thank you Jerem=
iah for that hint!). The size of the application-specific 'GPS' chunk in my=
files was an uneven number (79), which caused that the following 'bext' ch=
unk also started at an uneven offset address. Fortunately, reducing the GPS=
chunk size to 78 solved the problem.
Here is a sample file created with the modified RECORDER software version:
Bye the way, the RiffPad software (available from http://www.menasoft.com/b=
log/?p=3D34) allows to view the contents of all RIFF chunks in a .wav file,=
including the non-standard application-specific ones.
Jeremiah Moore wrote:
> Just a thought - Is it possible it's a byte alignment issue causing the
> compatibility issues?
> Soundminer at one point - years ago by now - had a byte alignment issue t=
> had strange effects with some applications and no effects with other
> applications. (i.e. some apps are picky about the RIFF chunks being on e=
> bytes or whatever it is.)
> -jeremiah