OK, folks. The toad reference mentioned earlier today (see text below)
has been uploaded on the group sound bulletin board. Anyone who feels
like weighing in on and ID, feel free... The toad (?) sound enters at
about 7 seconds into the clip.
While conducting a soundscape workshop at the Murie Center in the
Teton valley (Jackson Hole, Wyoming) last June with Martyn Stewart and
Kevin Colver, Martyn and I were recording at a nearby site when my
equipment failed. Martyn, who was cataloguing his metadata a few weeks
ago, happened to recognize within the biophonic tapestry of his
recording, the sound of a toad that may be either the thought-to-be-
extinct-in-the-wild Wyoming toad (Bufo baxteri), OR the Canadian toad
(never found below the very northern most part of Montana...300 miles
to the north), OR a new species altogether. This is the conclusion of
a number of herpetologists, naturalists, and biologists, who have
weighed in on the issue since Martyn brought it to my attention. I'm
on the road at the moment, but will post the recording early tomorrow.
If this turns out to be any one of those three possibilities, this
will be pretty significant in the field. Now for the fun part.
Bernie Krause
Wild Sanctuary
POB 536
Glen Ellen, CA 95442
Google Earth zooms: http://earth.wildsanctuary.com
SKYPE: biophony