The move to our new home was only ten miles across town, but it sure was an=
exhausting feat this time around. Last Sunday I finally had a chance to d=
ig some gear from the pile of moving boxes and take an evening drive to sco=
ut a new location in the mountainous foot hills outside of town. Surprisin=
gly, the forest road was still blocked by snow just a couple miles before m=
y destination. I stopped there for a moment to listen and could hear songs=
of varied thrushes as they moved through the canopy. Retreating to a pull=
out a suitable distance from the noise of the nearby forest stream, I manag=
ed to catch a few minutes. There is nothing too noteworthy about this spec=
ific recording except that the song of the varied thrush is always so inspi=
ring to me, I just had to share them once again.
John Hartog