That does help Tom, thanks very much. Will try Walthamstow Marshes this wee=
k in the off chance.
- -
London Sound Survey
Supporting Deafness Research UK
--- In Tom Williams <> wro=
> Ian,
> Just to clarify for readers outside the UK I'm going to assume we're talk=
> about Common Frog (*Rana temporaria) and *Common Toad (*Bufo bufo*) - the
> other scarce/introduced UK species may well have different behaviour, but
> these are the ones I'm familiar with (having a pond full of them outside =
> back door!) and the ones you're most likely to encounter.
> The frogs here start croaking around mid-February as their breeding seaso=
> begins. This rises to a peak of activity towards the end of the month whe=
> we get 30+ pairs mating. These are probably some of the earliest frogs in
> the country since we're on the South Devon coast, in London your frogs ma=
> be days or weeks later. As soon as they've spawned they fall almost silen=
> and only croak sporadically throughout the summer, usually just before or
> during rain - hence why overcast days are best.
> The toads usually spawn a few weeks after the frogs. They're much quieter=
> even at the height of their breeding period we only hear 1 or 2 calls a
> minute - nothing like the continuous wall of sound the frogs can produce.
> Again, they go on calling through the summer, mostly in the late evening.
> Hope this helps!
> Tom
> On 30 March 2010 13:02, im_rawes <> wrote:
> >
> >
> > I'd like to record the croaking of frogs and toads around London. There=
> > a few marshy areas where I'm pretty sure they can be found.
> >
> > But what's the best time of day and year to hear them?
> >
> > Oddly enough I can't seem to find a clear answer to this elsewhere, exc=
> > that overcast days are more promising than sunny ones.
> >
> > Ian
> >
> > - -
> >
> > London Sound Survey
> >
> > Supporting Deafness Research UK
> >
> >
> >