Nobody got the right answer! Maybe this is too hard.
Here is the audio file from which I made the sonagram:
If after listening to the audio, you still can't get it, here are two more =
1) the second part of the call has the same quality as many of this species=
2) If you don't recognize a bird call/song, then this species is always a g=
ood guess.
I put a link to the answer on the blog:
Andrew Albright
Lafayette Hill, PA
--- On Wed, 3/10/10, Andrew Albright <> wrote:
> From: Andrew Albright <>
> Subject: Mystery Sonagram #1
> To: =
> Date: Wednesday, March 10, 2010, 10:40 PM
> I'm not sure if this will be of
> interest to anyone, but I put together a mystery sonogram
> from a recording I made in Philadelphia on March 1st.=A0
> It took me a while to figure out that these two sounds were
> from the same bird.
> Spring is in the air, and many species are starting to
> set-up their territories.
> I can post the actual audio clip in a few days.
> Andrew Albright
> Lafayette Hill, PA
> =A0 =A0 =A0