This "baffled ducted sphere" you are using shows promise for good stereo
imagery while accommodating NT1As in a compact and wind resistant design.
...sending me into a flurry of thought.
John Hartog
--- In Rob Danielson <> wrote:
> At 1:19 PM +0000 4/26/09, picnet2 wrote:
> >Heres a baffled ducted sphere Ive made. Rob Danielson has been very
> >kind in providing feedback and suggestions during its construction.
> >
> >Ive made a couple of these rigs as explained in the blog:-
> ><http://www.urlme.net/blog/?p=870>http://www.urlme.net/blog/?p=870
> >
> ><http://urlme.net/bl/DSCF2891.JPG>http://urlme.net/bl/DSCF2891.JPG
> >
> >Shows the interior "blue print"
> Thanks for the kind comments, Mike. I know of no one who does more
> experimentation with stereo mic arrays than you! Fodder for the
> MicBuilder's list? Okay,.. large diaphragm cardioid mics recessed in
> tuned ports on opposing sides of an hard surfaced, head-spaced,
> sphere,.. Now there's a challenging list of phenomena to account for!
> :-) Rob D.
> --