Are your birds of Ecuador recordings now available? Where can they be
purchased? It sounds like you have created a monumental publication.
On Sep 19, 2008, at 11:39 AM, wrote:
> Hi All,
> We have another publication coming out this year. It is currently
> "in press"
> and should be available in 30 days or so. Below is a brief description
> John V. Moore Nature Recordings; 2008; 1 data DVD and 1 MP3 CD
> Olaf Jahn, John V. Moore, Niels Krabbe, Patricio M. Valenzuela, Paul
> Coopmans, Mitch Lysinger, Lelis Navarette, Jonas Nilsson, and Robert
> S. Ridgely
> $22.95
> This is a fully revised and expanded edition of the 3 CD publication
> published in 1999 by Moore et al. and contains almost all of the
> original
> recordings, about 700 new recordings and 23 additional species. The
> publication
> consists of a CD containing all vocalizations in MP3 format and a
> data DVD with all
> recordings presented in WAVE format arranged into folders for 7 CDs.
> Also
> included is a comprehensive booklet in both digital (PDF and Excel)
> and hard
> copy format containing recording information for each cut. Presented
> are 1128
> separately announced recordings of 213 species including the sounds
> of nearly
> all the birds predominantly inhabiting the humid life zones of the
> upper
> foothills and lower subtropics on the northwestern Andean slope of
> Ecuador.
> We are also in the final stages of completing a monstrous
> publication The
> Birds of Eastern Ecuador, Volume 2, The lowlands. This publication
> will replace
> the 5 cassettes currently being sold pertaining to this region and
> adds many
> species and additional recordings to those already published.It has
> over
> 2200 cuts for 562 species. All the cuts have been selected, EQed,
> filtered and,
> except for announcements, are ready to go. The recording data is
> complete in
> WORD form. So there is a chance that this publication will be ready
> this
> year. In addition to the co-authors, we have used material
> generously provided by
> over 50 recordists. This will be a great publication!!
> So, that's the latest news from John V. Moore Nature Recordings.
> John V. Moore Nature Recordings
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