A clear distinction w/o a difference, John. A rose is still a rose,
by any other name. Actually, if I had my druthers, I'd call it a
moose with lipstick.
On Sep 15, 2008, at 3:39 PM, John Hartog wrote:
> --- In Bernie Krause <>
> wrote:
> > Let's say we have 10 recordists at a site recording the same thing
> > for the same period of time. Each one uses one favorite technique.
> > Represented are systems that include XY, SASS, ORTF, mono, MS, an
> > Aachen head (one of the most elaborate and expensive binaural
> systems
> > there is), Telinga stereo, Blumlein, OSS, N.O.S., etc. In the end,
> > which recorded result is "realistic?" More accurately, isn't the
> > result, then -- given that any one recording is a mere abstraction
> > from the complex whole -- more of an "impression?"
> I think this is called "perspective." Each technique has potential to
> reveal a meaningful perspective and a realistic impression of the
> setting.
> John Hartog
Wild Sanctuary
POB 536
Glen Ellen, CA 95442
Google Earth zooms: http://earth.wildsanctuary.com
SKYPE: biophony