Thank you for sharing. You've got a treasure trove of sounds, I can
see that I'll enjoy my time exploring your podcasts!
What a disappointment that no "Nature Sound" category exists in the
music industry. After all, natural sound is THE original music
genre. Any other music is derived, it's all a spin-off from a primal
source. This is not "New Age" sound, some of these sounds are
extremely ancient, older than we as a species. Some non-biologic
natural sounds are older than life itself.
The photo world seems to recognize nature photography, science
recognizes the natural world, literature categorizes nature books,
"green" politics is coming of age, and videographers produce nature
videos. The music world is so caught up in itself and is so busy
congratulating itself and it's popular musicians that it seems blind
to the natural world and the developing field of natural sound
recording. I once shared a home-made natural sound CD with a high
school music teacher, his comment was: "Where is the music?" Why are
so many musicians fixated on the sounds of their own making? The
music is all around us.
Here is my challenge to Apple, iTunes, and the world of professional
music production; to open your ears and hearts and recognize the
value of the music of this planet. Welcome aboard. I believe you
will find this a very pleasant challenge to accept!
On Aug 14, 2008, at 2:23 AM, grantfinlay wrote:
> I've just submitted my podcast to itunes and had it accepted.
> Not a big thing but I spent a while trying to figure out what heading
> to put it under. After pondering the choices I ended up going for
> "society and culture".
> Maybe not the best choice but I don't consider my work to be "new age"
> either....
> What do/would you guys submit under?
> FYI: most of my recordings are soundscapes or as we say in the film
> word "atmos recordings"
> Regards,
> Grant Finlay
> (itunes link)
> id=288233820