The blackberry type often interfere with audio gear, especially
sensitive mics and wireless mics. Awful things!
There are other reasons to switch them off while recording anyway,
aren't there? If it is yours, call someone and have them call you
back or email you and you can find out easily.
On Jun 11, 2008, at 4:25 AM, oatcruncher wrote:
> Has anyone experienced intermittent interference on their recordings,
> that can be attributed to carrying a mobile phone switched on
> please? I
> have had a few instances of interference on my new LS-10, and am
> wondering if my mobile is the cause. There appears to be no set
> pattern
> to it, and fortunately it hasn't happened in the middle of something
> important yet. It's probably relevant to state that I have been hand
> holding my recorder in all instances. It occurs to me that a sample of
> what I mean would possibly be helpful, I will post one shortly.
> I have worn hearing aids for some years, and have experienced similar
> interference sounds in the past while using the old analogue aids.
> This
> would happen when near to a landline handset that was about to ring.
> Max