Thanks Bill,
That sounds like a good bet. Pipit's flush every 50-100metres when
driving the tracks in the area. The call sounds quite different to
those on the BOCA cd, but the CD calls were recorded mainly in the
Capertee Valley by Vicki Powys so there is possibly regional
variation, or that particular call is just not documented on the CD.
WTP has gotten pretty noisy since they began using Avalon airport for
domestic flights unfortunately. Between the methane fueled turbines
near the conservation ponds and Avalon the background noise can be
hard to escape. I'm still trying to work on dish handling skills so
I'm still trying to get decent bits or recording in between the bumps
of the dish.
I've used a low shelf filter on this recording to reduce some of the
traffic and jet rumble by 6dB, and there are a couple of dish noises.
It's a small flock of Black Wing Stilt's with Black Swans honking in
the background recorded today at Walsh's Lagoon at the treatment plant.
On 01/06/2008, at 8:33 PM, Bill Rankin wrote:
> Paul
> I'm pretty sure your mystery bird is a Richard's Pipit ( Anthus
> novaeseelandiae).Congrats on seeing the Orange-bellied Parrot a
> bird that has eluded me so far.
> The treatment plant is a magnificent place to record. I made a
> couple of recording trips there when I lived in Melbourne.
> Bill Rankin