Hi Group,
few days ago I come across mystery sound. Listen it at http://tech.groups.y=
ahoo.com/group/naturerecordists/files/. File is called zahada.wav. Could an=
ybody help me to identify that sound? I recorded it=A0in noon of=A0sunny sp=
ring day (20 degrees Celsius). I heard it from grass around me. There were =
many places (tens) where the sound came from. First I thought that grass wa=
s crackling in the wind but then I realized, that I=A0could hear it from fr=
om=A0rotten leaves too, where no grass was present. The only species I coul=
d find were=A0ants, so I think that=A0these little creatures=A0could=A0poss=
ibly make the sound. In attachement I send sonagram too. Thank you for help=
Good waves to everybody! (If photographers pray for good light, what are na=
ture recordists wishing to each other? :)
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