Just wanted to let you all know that the blog I mentioned in a
recent post is gathering pace & i've decided to expand the
definition of the areas covered to include: field recording, audible
space & sonic architecture.
There are new posts up now on noid's excellent release 'you're not
here' - which records the sounds of empty concert halls, 'septet' -
a release from Japan of a live improvisation that one description
could describe as the natural sound of musicians & venue & links to
lots of other stuff.
There will be a regularly updated lead mp3 & in the coming weeks we
have posts related to the work of artists & labels such as:
Kiyoshi Mizutani, Greunrekorder, o.sone, Yannick Dauby & more.
I'm posting this info here to remind you all that i'm keen to engage
in interesting conversations with anyone interested. Don't worry
this won't end up as a regular advert post !
Most folks on this group are, of course, concerned with recording
the sounds of 'nature', however for those who are unfamiliar with
other areas of field recording & natural sound I hope that we can
exchange ideas & thoughts & recommendations for releases etc.