This is one thread that has to stop now, This topic has been covered
with this group in the past and has gotten very heated. We cant allow
this tread on calling in birds to continue.
Sorry for any inconvenience, i suggest to those wanting to know to
look in the archives of this list....
Martyn Stewart
Redmond. WA
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On Jan 22, 2008, at 10:56 AM, Larry Sirvio wrote:
> Lou, and others.
> The birding community has had a lot of discussion about calling in
> birds with recordings. Many birders do it. Many birding guides do it
> as well. The consensus seems to be that calling birds is not so bad
> as long as it is not overdone. Common sense should prevail.
> Sometimes that is in short supply.
> My theory is that birds have evolved for thousands and thousands of
> years hearing the calls. This is something they have experienced all
> of their lives and should not bother them.
> Just another opinion.
> Larry S