Hi Recordists, here is an exerpt from the feature article in the current WF=
AE newsletter, with a
concise description of the art of soundscape composition, which is mostly w=
hat I'm doing these
days here in Hawai`i--
Soundscape Composition (1): Linking Inner and Outer Worlds By Hildegard Wes=
"Audio technology allows us to use environmental sound as a type of languag=
e that has its own set
of meanings depending on the context within which it occurs or into which w=
e place it in a
composition. The soundscape composer may use it like a writer uses words in=
order to comment on
the essential characteristics of a soundscape and heighten the listener's p=
erception of it. Or
alternately the composer may work with it like a caricaturist who exaggerat=
es the contours, say,
of a person's face and thus sharpens the viewer's perception of it; or like=
a landscape painter
who deepens our understanding of and relationship to a place through a cert=
ain use of colour,
light and shadow; or like a photographer who zooms in on the details not vi=
sible to the naked eye.
In the same way the soundscape composer can draw our ears more deeply into =
the contours of sound,
its colours and textures and into its details, and thereby enrich our perce=
ptions of and change
our attitudes towards our daily sound environment."
Here is the link
David Kuhn
Kaua'i, Hawaii
808 335 0398
Mail to: PO Box 1018
Waimea, HI 96796
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