I'm no expert and I'm still learning having joined about a year ago.
Here's my progression on recorders: SonyDAT, Tascam HD-P2, Sound
Devices MixPre for the HD-P2, Sound Devices 722. Consider exercising a
bit more patience and aim for the SD 722.
What I spent on the HD-P2 + MixPre got me close to the 722. What never
registered and really is important to me is form factor. Don't get me
wrong the HD-P2 + SD MixPre is a very flexible setup that yields great
recordings (to my ear). Put these comparable elements into a much
smaller package and the SD722 may be ofr you. I'm still comparison
recording the 722 since I cut my ears on the Tascam+MixPre results but
mostly because there are many options in the SD 722 with which to
experiment. One thing I can say, and which I first tested for, is that
the high-pass filters have really proven their worth.
What ever you go with, I'd say it boiils down to being not so much a
matter of budget as a question of savings.