...here is another site that does similar things, also stereo apparently:
Bernie Krause wrote:
> As Dan correctly pointed out, we have a major issue with Google Maps
> technology: The audio component on Maps movie, their only channel
> available for sound, does not support stereo. Only mono. (The other
> issue he mentioned was a faulty download at 11kHz and has been
> corrected). If any of you are bloggers and care to weigh in, by all
> means do so on the Google blogs and perhaps we can correct this issue.
> BTW, while its much more complicated, and involves mounting
> soundscapes in another and separate way (Flash), the sound is much
> better on Google Earth. But they've asked us to stick w/ Maps for the
> moment.
> Bernie
> Wild Sanctuary
> POB 536
> Glen Ellen, CA 95442
> 707-996-6677
> http://www.wildsanctuary.com <http://www.wildsanctuary.com>
> <chirp%40wildsanctuary.com>
> Google Earth zooms: Earth.WildSanctuary.com
Willem-Pier Vellinga