I must admit I had never noticed the quote before.. but I don't feel
insulted by it at all.
In fact the idea it's putting across is something I regularly try to
keep in mind when I've made a recording I'm not happy with.
On 5 May 2007, at 02:50, Syd Curtis wrote:
> Greetings all,
> I normally avoid involvement in things like this, but as I was the
> person who suggested to the Moderator, way back, that the quote
> from a Klas
> posting be appended, I have some responsibility to make an exception.
> Your unfortunate reference (twice), Rich, to " Klas insult"
> suggests that
> you are not aware that it was not Klas's idea to have his words so
> appended.
> You apparently feel the advice to be unnecessary; and there I
> differ from
> you.
> This mailing list is (was?) about recording the sounds of nature.
> Certainly
> that warrants some discussion of equipment for doing so, but just how
> relevant is it to get the absolute maximum in fidelity under
> laboratory/studio conditions, when natural sound in the world at large
> changes as soon as it leaves the source? And changes very
> substantially
> once you get any significant distance away, and even more so if
> there are
> any obstacles, trees for example, to reflect/refract sound waves.
> There will always be persons just starting out in recording, and
> they are
> unlikely to appreciate in advance just how sound changes with
> distance. It
> is far from immediately obvious, for example, that the higher the
> frequencey, the greater the attenuation with distance. For them,
> Klas's
> advice is pertinent.
> And it really is quite possible for long-standing Nat/rec
> subscribers to
> train themselves not to notice the appended quote. Personally, I
> simply
> don't have time to read the material below the 'signature' of the
> sender.
> Cheers
> Syd
> > From: "Rich Peet" <>
> > Reply-To:
> > Date: Sat, 05 May 2007 01:07:59 -0000
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: [Nature Recordists] Group File Hosting Space (was
> How do you
> > post sound fil
> >
> > what we need at this point is an edit of some of the group screens
> > that needs to be done by a moderator. This may not be a good time to
> > ask as the birds are flyin.
> >
> > I would also ask that the Klas insult that tags the bottom of
> posts be
> > removed. Again.
> >
> > Maybe if Klas requested that this insult be removed it would happen.
> > I just am hard pressed to understand that someone who affilitaes
> with
> > natural sound recording would want to be known that it is
> impossible.
> > I am still trying out here.
> >
> > Yup, am a bit testy tonight.
> >
> > Rich