Rich indeed. That is a superb recording, Bernie!
Florida, USA
"I am ready to strike out tomorrow and go to smashing things!" -
General Phil Sheridan at the end of the Civil War, March 1865
--- In Bernie Krause <>
> Back from N. Ontario, fellas and gals. Check this out...recorded at
> 0645, 24 March on the southern border of Algonquin Park in the
> Haliburton Forest, along with Boreal Chickadees, Ravens, several
> species of sparrow, Ruby-crowned Kinglets, and, yes...even a rare
> Chuck Will's Widow that I've never heard north of N. Carolina.
> they are a-changing.
> Hope you-all in the N. Hemisphere are out recording spring. It's
> pretty rich around here in N. California.
> Bernie
> --
> Wild Sanctuary
> P. O. Box 536
> Glen Ellen, CA 95442
> t. 707-996-6677
> f. 707-996-0280