Thanks, oryoki for that information. There are also differences
between the various models within the Sennhesier ME and MKH series.
For instance, the MKH20 (25mV/Pa) and ME62 (31mV/Pa) provide lower
signal levels than the model K6/ME66 (50mV/Pa). In other words, the
absolute noise floors of the less sensitive models (expressed in =B5V or
dBU) obviously no not fully mask the inherent noise floor of the PMD670.
> "Raimund Specht" wrote:
> >...there are insensitive microphones out there that
> > do not fit very well to the PMD 670. So, which
> > microphone was used?
> The mics used were an assortment of Sennheiser ME, MKH,
> and Telinga models. Recordings made with the PMD670
> had a hissy background with all mics. In contrast,
> recordings made in the same environment using the 722 were
> noticeably quieter.
> This was my experience recording bird vocalizations
> in quiet conditions outdoors, where the mic preamp gain
> was often turned up quite high.
> Others may have satisfactory results using the PMD670 with
> other mics, and under different field conditions. I would
> say the PMD670 recordings have lower background hiss than
> a Sony or Marantz cassette tape machine, for example.
> --oryoki