On 2/12/07, Lou Judson <> wrote:
> Were any owls harmed in the creation of this? Seems we are there to
> observe, not to rile them up!
> On Feb 12, 2007, at 7:35 PM, David La Puma wrote:
> > I was out recording this morning with my Sennheiser ME66 and my new
> > (to me)
> > Marantz PMD670 when I flushed a Great Horned Owl. What followed was an
> > all-out mobbing by a flock of American Crows.
Listening to the recording and reading the account I'm 99.999% positive
David means *accidentally* flushed! For the record.
Speaking of Great Horned Owls, my wife and I have been going to the park on
top of our hill here in San Francisco every day the past three or so weeks
to (quietly) view a pair that have been rotating trees... the hawks and
kestrels are regulars, but I've only ever infrequently *heard* these owls i=
the city, it's such a wonder to get to observe them at close range every da=
stretching and scratching and sleeping etc...!
It's the time of year the crows on the hill are doing their crazy
mating-acrobatics for us too, so this recording felt very familiar!
Yesterday when it was blue-skied we watched a dozen 'mob' a redtail that wa=
turning some tricky moves to shake them off...
83% happy
9% disgusted
6% fearful
2% angry