I forgot.
Wind protection grade D. has gone nowhere and homemade still beats a
$500 system. There is no reason a good sound wind protection system
should be under $100.
--- In "Rich Peet" <> wrote:
> I preface this as a desire to have feedback and get my head cut off.
> It is work in progress for a paper on the subject.
> Since this list came to be we have seen a good developement and
> availability of some "stuff" and weakness in others.
> 1. Recorders Grade of A+: We have seen a developement of sound
> recording equipment in both the high end, middle, and low end. I see
> no complaints about products availabe with end results meeting the
> recording chain. Review of intended use of any new product is natural.
> 2. Mics Grade of B: There are now options available in all price
> brackets that can be used for natural sound. Work needs to be done in
> availablity of high quality capsules to build around. This is a
> problem for both manufacturing and DIY.
> 3. Connections Grade C: Finding quality cables for all uses is still
> not a clear path with availablity weak.
> 4. Power Grade B: Lion batteries have brought the industry forward but
> currently there is no clear winner on size and chargers. We need a
> ckear path for "high, medium, low" requirements.
> 5 Connectors Grade F: Still no uniform power connection standard for
> "high, low, AC, DC". Nobody cares who wins but we all want good
> connections with interchangiblility.
> 6 Media Grade C: Media is still split and changing every day. Maybe
> this has to be to encourage R&D.
> 7. Playback Grade Z: Too easy and no going back. This topic is for
> someone else.
> Rich