Each fall the Golden-crowned Sparrows migrate into our area. A
wonderful song for a wonderful season.
Bob McLean
Sonoma, CA
On Oct 18, 2006, at 1:41 PM, Aaron Ximm wrote:
> Yet-another-mystery-ID for y'all ((566K mp3):
> http://quietamerican.org/download/dropbox/SF_CA_October_ID.mp3
> Last week I heard a very distinct new occasional caller for the first
> time in our backyard. We've only lived in this house (hillside
> southern San Francisco) for about 15 months, but I'm quite sure we
> didn't hear him/her last year. I've heard several of these guys
> calling to one another from trees on our slope (as you can hear in one
> of the sample excerpts).
> The call I would describe as a very clear, melodic, descending pattern
> of four notes, almost like the beginning of an etude -- almost a clear
> step down of diatonic notes across an octave. Quite unmodulated, no
> trilling, etc.
> The caller would alternate between this four note dropping series
> (with the fourth note down about an octave from the first) and
> variations on it that included only the first two or three notes,
> sometimes "resolving" to a different final note.
> Apologies for crude filtering in the samples, I rolled off around 500
> Hz -- of course, the morning I recorded this last week was as noisy as
> could be! Airplanes, construction, etc...! In the first snippet one
> caller is very close but not doing the longest call variant.
> Fwiw I was able to get a look at the caller when it was nearby, I
> would in my ignorance characterize it as a small (larger sparrow-sized
> and -like) nondescript brown songbird.
> This may be an easy one... something related to an american tree
> sparrow?
> I'd be curious to know if this was a regular migrant (or even
> resident!) in San Francisco, have I been that tuned out!?
> best,
> aaron
> --
> quietamerican.org
> oneminutevacation.org
> 83% happy
> 9% disgusted
> 6% fearful
> 2% angry
> "Microphones are not ears,
> Loudspeakers are not birds,
> A listening room is not nature."
> Klas Strandberg
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