Can't help with your Don Stap query but this link is from the UK 'birdguide=
s' site and seems worth a look.
The Sound Approach to Birding
By Mark Constantine and the Sound Approach
Book and two audio CDs for GBP29.95. Published by The Sound Approach
This innovative book and accompanying CDs will change the way you think abo=
ut bird song forever. Mark Constantine decrypts the sonogram into an intell=
igible aid for birders. Exactly how Scottish an accent does a Scottish Cros=
sbill have? Can you sex a Chiffchaff by call? Dave Gosney reviewed "The boo=
k is a terrific read and deserves to be bought by any birders who want to t=
ake their sound identification a whole leap further forward. I can't rememb=
er the last time I was so impressed, entertained and enlightened by a birdi=
ng product. Birders everywhere should get this." You can read Dave's full r=
eview at:
To order, go to: