--- In Rob Danielson <> wrote:
> At 7:21 AM +0000 7/27/06, macmang4125 wrote:
> >I hit the arrow is a flash of the transfer arrow and then zilch,
> >diddly squat, no error messages nothing! I have tried re-installing
> >the software but to no avail it still refuses to transfer material
> >across. (Now where did I put that hammer?)
> >Phil T
> >
> That's not good. The folks at:
> http://forums.minidisc.org/index.php?showforum=3D62 are probably much
> better prepared to help with this experience. Rob D.
It looks like SonicStage gets 'confused' by the digital rights
management. The problem occurred after I tried to download some
material off a mini-disc that had been made on a Net-MD. It would not
allow me to do it and subsequently it would not download anything
other than CD's that had been transferred.
The way to get over this is explained here:
Two things I would add is use the Windows Add/Remove Programs to
remove SonicStage and OpenMG, then at point 3 where it says to delete
the following from regedit:
'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Sony Corporation' by right-clicking on
the entries.
I would also include all the instances of OpenMG as well.
Also you may have to log-in as the administrator to delete the
SonicStage folder in c/programs.
Once I had removed SonicStage and OpenMG plus removed any reference to
them in the registry I rebooted, you will need to re-boot when
removing OpenMG by the way. Then I ran the installer for SonicStage
and it is back working as it should, only as long as I don't connect a
Net-MD to it or try to import material from a Net-MD disc!
Digital rights Management don't you just love it?!
If you try to just re-install SonicStage then files get left behind
that disable your ability to download!
I hope that is of help to those having difficulty with SonicStage