Clay wrote:
>what little I've read about Double M/S suggested
>using a single figure 8 for Side, along with a forward facing Mid,
>plus a rear facing Mid. the suggestion is to use the same Side
>signal to decode both the Front and Rear "Mids" into Front and Rear
>L-R Stereo.
Rather than go with two MS rigs, back to back, what I am describing is more=
like two MS rigs side by side. A single omni, with two Figure 8
microphones, one facing front-back, and the other facing left-right. By
appropriate combinations of the microphone signals one can create any numbe=
of virtual microphones, with any polar pattern, facing any direction in the=
horizontal plane. For instance, if you desired to have 12 coincident
cardioids, spaced at 30 degree intervals around the plane, you could do it=
with just those three microphones.
The omni is the biggest problem. Omnis are not nearly as omnidirectional a=
we would like for them to be. The data supplied by Sennheiser here:
shows that the MKH20 is down about 15 dB in the back at 16 kHz. This is, o=
course, not a fault of the MKH20 . It would be approximately the same for=
any microphone of the same diameter. One way to make the microphone more
omnidirectional in the horizontal plane, would be to point it upwards.
There are some pictures of how to mount the microphones here:
I'll send you copies of the papers attached to a second email.
- Eric