> 2b.
> >1) How about the headphone levels? Can you boost them more than an
> >old consumer-type
> >headphone out ? I have Beyerdynamics DT 770 which is a great set of
> >headphones but
> >needs more level than most others, my MZ-R55's maximum output is not
> >enough for
> >decent monitoring.
> The first generation US Hi-MD models and the Australian NH700 I've
> tried have plenty of headphone volume.
I have a set of "Extreme Sound" Headphones and the NH700 only just runs
them. I have volume set at 30/30 and the EQ at a custom setting of
Maximum at all frequencies. Luckily these headphones drastically cut
ambient noise so the volume is adequate with these measures. It would
be nice to have a bit more juice up my sleeve though...
> >certain volume the signal might clip at the input of the
> >DA-converter. Of course the point
> >when this occurs depends on the microphone too. Can anyone give an
> >indication about the
> >SPL or type of source when clipping starts to happen with a common
> >mike that can handle
> >high SPL? Or am I just too clip-phobic here and there's nothing to
> >worry about? (Well
> >actually the noise has given me more trouble than clipping in the
> >past, so I just ask this to
> >make myself feel certain I don't buy the wrong thing.. ;-)
> Yes, you can get your HiMD mic pre to clip before your condenser mics
> if you work at it. We've talked about clipping with ECM mics and
> Richard has done some measuring
> http://www.wildlife-sound.org/equipment/himd/himdmyths_meas.html
> <http://www.wildlife-sound.org/equipment/himd/himdmyths_meas.html> .
> The sources of clipping are a little tough to pin down without a test
> bench. Perhaps people can share some nightmares, but mic pre clipping
> with Hi-MD not been an issue for me at all. Rob D.
Not a nightmare but an experience: I have found that the AT943-SP Audio
Technica lavaliers (sold by Sound Professionals as premium plug-in-power
solution) do clip the Hi-MD mic pre-amp fairly easily when it is set to
"High Sensitivity". "Low Sens" setting solves the problem. And when I
say "fairly easily" I am talking about clip on mic usage when the voice
gets raised. Say if someone gets a bit excited in ordinary
conversation. I have yet to do any serious ambient tests yet (using
these mics in a binnaural type set-up) but I guess this is a promising
sign for those quieter sound sources.
> >
> >greetings,
> >max
best of luck
Graham E.