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Re: Equipment for recording inaudible sounds

Subject: Re: Equipment for recording inaudible sounds
From: "davem98607" davem98607
Date: Tue Jun 6, 2006 10:50 am (PDT)
I have made some recordings of bat echolocations using a simple "bat
detector" (
<> ).  It does a great job
of picking up the ultrasonic sound of your fingers rubbing together -
you can hear the ridges in your skin rubbing, which is amazingly loud in
the ultrasonic range.

However I have never tried listening to anything with the detector
pressed against my skin.  In the name of science, I will give it a try
tonight and see what I can find.  Hopefully I won't hear any strange
voices :-).

The detector does pick up the sound of liquid going through a
constriction - I have heard water pipes buried deep under a street.

It is also a lot of fun to just go around the house/neighborhood to see
what ultrasonic sound you can find.

Note that this is a very simple ultrasonic detector, it just generates
is a series of clicks.  There are of course much more sophisticated

I'll post tomorrow with the results of my "exam".


"Microphones are not ears,
Loudspeakers are not birds,
A listening room is not nature."
Klas Strandberg

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