The method is more important than the tool.
If you need an editor try "Audacity" which is a free program.
I use a more expensive one because I need a "surround sound mixer"
The method was to first use a FFT Filter to cut the frequencies above
and below the bird as well as do some initial amplification. I then
sampled an area of your file without the bird for applying noise
reduction to the entire file. Last I did an amplification to set the
final levels.
I still have not checked to see if that is a Fox Sparrow or not.
Rich Peet
--- In "el_supremo01"
<> wrote:
> --- In "Rich Peet" <richpeet@> wrote:
> >
> >
> > For species ID I would have posted an edit such as this:
> > http:\\\edit.mp3
> > I spendt less than a min on this edit.
> Wow. How did you do that and with which program?
> Pete
> > I checked no references and just by ear I go with the call notes of a
> > sparrow. Maybe a Fox.
> Thanks.
> Pete