Well now I know why the links under the home link on the left of this page =
didn't work. I
thought I had joined this group months ago, but apparently not. So here's a=
belated hello
to the group from a long time lurker. My name is Ambrose and I'm a musician=
, graphic
designer and relative newcomer to phonography and nature recording.
Prior to a six month residency in Tepoztlan, Mexico in 2003, I purchased a =
used Sony D7
dat and cheap stereo mic and well...here I am. In Toronto. Where the urban =
sonic rumble=20
to which I never paid previous attention now finds it's way into all of my =
recordings. I am
using AT3032's with a 12" homemade Jecklin disc into a Beyer MV100 preamp a=
t 40 or
60db gain with LF cut on into my SonyD7. This setup works well, but I haven=
't been able to
get far away enough from civilization to take advantage of the mic's low no=
ise floor. I can
attest to their humidity performance though, as the first thing I did upon =
bringing them
outside was drop them both in a slushy snowbank. They worked fine.