Regarding Brunton Solar Rolls
I asked a good friend who travels hot/remote parts of the world for The Wor=
ld Health Org says:-
The type of panel shown there is quite good although they do not mention th=
e output. There are foldable panels which take up less space and - with new=
solar cell technology - are lighter.
A good company for solar in the UK is Select Solar (find them on the web) w=
hich sells the same type and also foldable panels. The foldable panels they=
sell are light and have the big advantage that they are modular and hence =
unaffected by shading (which some of the unit panels are). I have a 55 watt=
foldable of the type they sell (tho it did not cost me as much as they cha=
rge!) which is excellent.
Bear in mind that UK prices for US kit seem to be the US price in dollars g=
iven as a price in pounds (thus $100 =3D =A3100 in this type of conversion)=
. This does not seem to vary from supplier to supplier whether it is camera=
s or solar panels. Thus it may pay to order kit from the USA - but check on=
import regs.
Of course you USA chaps will be able to benefit from much better pricing as=
he says.
Roger Norwood
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