No, I was echoing a previous statement that the frogs make sounds simultane=
ously with other sounds to lessen the chances they could be picked out indi=
vidually - that is, I wsa citing another instance of similar behaviour. I =
have hard the roaring sound in many types of flight. What did you mean by =
"mechanical sound?" Aren't all sounds mechanical? Or did you mean in cont=
rast to vocalisation, like the wing sounds made by Mourning Dove?
Rich Peet <> wrote:The roar is a mechanical sound as it=
dives down over its mate to
impress her. I would not think that the nighthawk is able to time its
pull out from the dive to go with the frogs.
Is anyone here able to distinguish a Common from a Lessor by sound? I
recorded some nighthawks in southern Texas and would love for them to
turn out to be the species I don't have.
--- In Lew Proudfoot
<> wrote:
> I have a fascinating recording of Common Nighthawk at dawn. The
Nighthawk has a peculiar "peent" nasal sound , and then about once a
minute a sound like a roaring lion. Very disconcerting the first time
you hear it. The interesting thing is that on this recording, the
frogs are clearly synchronized with this roaring sound. I don't know
how this might have evolved, since Nighthawks are insectivores, but on
this recording at least I was able to convince myself this was not a
> Neville Recording <> wrote:The simple song of the
Brown-headed Cowbird has a frequency range of about 11000 Hertz. This
bird used to be the Buffalo Bird and had to project its song above the
noise of the herd and the winds of the grasslands.
> John Neville
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> "Microphones are not ears,
> Loudspeakers are not birds,
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> Klas Strandberg
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Recording technique My first science kit
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