a link to your webpage, bio or other personal information.
After this, I will give them a login name and password, and they can
upload their audio onto the site. Soundtransit will take care of the
"hosting" from there on.
The database will also handle all the duties of making sure that the
files have the proper author and title, and it will also make sure that
the Creative Commons license and original URL of the file is included in
the ID3 tag. This encourages creative reuse of the sound while
maintaining a link to the original source sound.
As far as formats, currently MP3 and OGG are accepted.
I look forward to hearing from the recordists on the list.
Rob Danielson wrote:
> Welcome Derek-
> Its a pleasure to have you join our discussion. (Derek is an
> accomplished field recordist, composer, installation artist-- a
> passionate explorer of sound where ever that takes him.)
> soundtransit.nl is indicative of the distribution base of his
> interests and I encourage folks on this list representing so many
> places and sonic experiences to take some time and connect with
> others through soundtransit.nl.
> What do you recommend as the best way for folks to get files "hosted"
> to be linked to soundtransit.nl? Many folks don't currently have a
> site etc. I assume you'd like the files to be as permanently located
> as possible. Also, the formats, if any, you recommend.Rob D.
derek holzer ::: http://www.umatic.nl
---Oblique Strategy # 171:
"Use your own ideas"