I have several pieces of equipment that was purchased for
evaluation. I am not a vendor of recorders but would like to offer
these new recorders to the naturerecordists group.
Sony MZ NH1, Sony MZ NH900 ( I have 5 ea), Sony MZ NH800, Sony MZ
RH910, Audio-Technical ST897 shotgun, Sony ECM-MS907, and a Sound
Professionals Stereo Preamp. All of this equipment is very new and
in perfect condition.
I also have an older Sony MZ-NF810 which was my 1st recorder used
for nature recording. I no longer need it for a backup and will let
it go for any reasonable offer.
I am currently using a DIY parabolic with stereo 183's and a Marantz
PMD660. I'm not entirely satisfied with the input noise of the 660
and may be selling it also. I will probably keep it at least until
I try it with the 1NA163 preamp I am developing. The 660 is
satisfactory with the parabolic 183's because the acoustical
amplification of the parabolic reflector gives me a pretty hot mic
system . . .but, with some of my other mics that have a much lower
output the noise of the 660 becomes apparent.
My other recorder is the Sony MZ NH900. It does a decent job. I
tried the RH910 and didn't like it because you have to use two hands
to record . . .that is, you have to hold down the record button
while you press the play button to begin recording.
I will put the photos of the DIY parabolic with dual WL183s online
when I finish experimenting with mic spacing. At 1st I had the mics
too far apart which resulted in two distinct focused signals for one
source. . ie. when I panned across a pond the cricket frog about 75
yards away peaked at 2 positions about 10 degrees apart.