In review of phase relations between multiple mp3 mono files I noted
that the previous file I posted has a lot of mono content and is
therefore more difficult to evaluate the image of this mic.
Since Wood Frogs are in season and popular right now I replaced the
files with a chorus of Wood Frogs, Western Chorus Frogs, and Spring
I noted the valid crit of the mic which has one main drawback. Now
you have to find a spot where things sound good in all directions.
Yes, it will no longer be good enough to be on the edge of a sound
field you must get in the middle to have things right. A severe
limitation and challenge for sure over wide linear arrays.
Choose any pair if you are stereo to evaluate the image and all of
your comments are sure welcome as I try and polish this mic and change
it to work well.
As things start a 20 mph wind gust shut all the frogs up. There is no
leaves yet and it is late dusk. I am sitting 25 feet in front of you
and you are surrounded by woodland and open cat-tail wetlands. There
is areas off to your right front where a cattail marsh extends for a
few miles to an expressway. To your front right side the wetland
changes to woodland.
Still not small downloads at 1.5 megs each.
photo of cube mic again at: