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compactflash prices getting better

Subject: compactflash prices getting better
From: "oryoki2000" <>
Date: Fri, 26 Nov 2004 22:42:24 -0000
Compactflash cards have declined by a factor of three in the past
year, and the pace of change has accelerated recently.  

I saw a 128MB card advertised last week for $3 after mail-in rebate. 
(128MB is enough space for almost 60 minutes of high bit-rate stereo
MP3 recording.) That's approaching the price of a minidisc!  Or how
about 256MB for $10?  Yowser!  

More realistically, a 1GB flash card costs about $65 today, down from
$200 only a year ago.  That's enough room for 90 minutes of stereo WAV
recording at 16/48, or more than 7 hours of high bit-rate MP3.

Just FYI.



"Microphones are not ears,
Loudspeakers are not birds,
A listening room is not nature."
Klas Strandberg
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