I have just become a member - my first time in any group like this. I'm not
sure how this "group thing" works exactly. I have a question but am not sure
if I should just "throw it out there" or what the correct procedure is. My
question follows: I have been recording as a hobby for the last 8 years. I
currently live in Malaysia for 10 months out of the year. I use a mini disk
recorder with two Sennheiser mics for my recording. I would like to put my
recordings onto CD but it seems there are so many complications to doing this.
Is it likely that, in the near future, these complications will be resolved (as
I have heard is possible) or should I continue on trying to figure out how to
go about the process of using the present technology to make my copies? I
really need someone who can take me step by step through a process that will
not be too costly and will result in good (not perfect) copies. I do not
presently have any equipment (MD recorder, stereo system or comp!
with optical inputs or outputs. Thank you to anyone who can be a help.
Carl Johnson
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