Here in western NC the 3 animals most affected by rabies are coons,
skunks, and fox. I'm not saying that's what's going on with your red
fox (a beautiful creature!) but do be careful. I had a skinny mother
fox and her 3 offspring last year and they would come and lick the
ground clean under my bird feeders. I felt bad and went to our local
butcher and asked and that he keep the scraps/trimmings for me to
feed them which he did. I fed them for months. They were there
every night for food to be flung over the deck down to them. I never
tried to make friends with them, never let them even see me, better=20
they thought the food fell from the sky than that "man" was their
friend. Sadly, I heard that one of the three babies (now grown) was
seen walking in circles, confused, salivating, and was shot by Animal
Control. It tested positive for rabies so do be both kind and
careful out there.