Hi folks
I work for RSPB and have sound recorded bitterns (Botaurus stellaris)
amongst other things using Sennheiser ME67 and Sony Professional Tape
Recorder - also more recently portable sony minidisc MZR30. However,
I haven't really done any recording for some time - and have decided
to revisit it. How does mini-disc compare to DAT and Solid State
Technology and how easy is it to transfer material to a PC from mini-
disc? What is the advantage of buying an HHB Portable MiniDisc
rather than the portable machines than you can buy as standard in
most retail outlets. Then to solid state. I see there is a
relatively recent machine called the Marantz PMD 670. I'm no expert
and all the fine detail and specs on the net are fairly meaningless
to me. Basically, it looks to me that these machines are the next
step - and may be worth the investment. However, how long can you
record with CompactFlash at DAT quality level? HHB in England sell 1
GB cards - maybe 2 GB. I've heard that at high quality level you may
only get 30 mins or so of recording.
Basically I want to progress a hobby from something that helps me to
relax - to the point where I could edit and put together a CD of the
sounds of my nature reserve - which I could make available to reserve
visitors. I'm just deciding what's worth buying at this point. An
HHB MiniDisc recorder, a Marantz PMD670. I'm fairly cluesless.
Apologies for the monster message. Any thoughts from those with time
and patience!