Hello All:
I last week I received by email these questions, and pass them along for
any and all responses; I have been too busy to write anything yet:
Dear Mr. Michener:
Here are my questions:
1. What kind of equipment should a birder use to get quality recordings?
2. What are the benefits of recording bird sounds?
3. What are some steps a birder can take toward being a professional nature
Thanks so much for helping me with this piece; I may send follow-up
questions later.
The audience will mainly be novice birders who are visually impaired. Would
you consider just a brief answer to each question for this specific group?
I just want them to see that doing what you do is possible for them, too.
Maybe you could mention that there are visually impaired nature
recordists--if you know of any. A few sentences would work, geared to this
audience, but if you think that type of answer is somewhere in the
archives, I'll look.
Chrissy Laws
I am a bit stumped, other than my suggestion that the questioner prowl
through naturerecordists archives . . .
Have a terrific Christmas, everyone,
Marty Michener
Hollis, NH http://www.EnjoyBirds.com/HomePublishing/PubHome.htm
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