From: Klas Strandberg <>
> Walt, the only point with a mono mic in a parabol is that you have better
> control.
> Using two PZM's, like the Stereo DATmic, means - by necessity - that the
> polar diagram gets a bit undefined. This is unwanted for the scientist, who
> want's mono anyway.
I am a scientist, so don't be so sure about what a scientist wants.
Yes, a mono mic in a parabolic does have a sharper focus. This is clear
with the dual science. However, much of science does not deal with a
individual animal. At least the kinds of animals I deal with.
> Sometimes the cardioid half of Twin Science is more efficient than Stereo
> DATmic:
> Suppose you have a frog in high grass and wind. The cardioid, facing
> inwards, will focus on the frog and attenuate the wind sounds from the
> grass. However, in stereo, perhaps you don't mind the wind sounds, as they
> sound "natural".
I've done considerable recording of frogs in windy conditions. No
problem focusing on the frog. Unless it gets so windy that the dish is
being buffeted around. The Rycote cover is very effective.
It's actually more of a problem focusing on all the frogs. I can have a
half dozen or more species calling at the same time. They vary from loud
to soft, and are located throughout the area. Under these conditions
stereo is a major advantage to the survey work. Each person who has to
listen to that recording and verify the species can do so much more
quickly. Mono stacks all the species right on top each other. Once I
tried stereo in the survey, I would not go back. I've been advocating
stereo for scientific recording for some time.
I have no problem aiming at a individual frog in the Telinga stereo
either. And with the stereo field he stands out.
I have nothing again mono, most of my life I recorded in mono. Just for
what I do stereo is a clear winner. I'm not so sure that's not so even
with the bird stuff where a single singer is being recorded.