Hello Greg,
Thanks for your postings. Long may you maintain your enthusiasm.
> From: "Greg Winterflood" <>
> Reply-To:
> I've even
> played the flute Lyrebird selection to a couple of patients during
> consultations!! This appeared to work better than aspirin!
Send me (privately) an Aust Post address and I'll dispense a bit more of
that medicine for you - on CD.
I should warn you you however, that lyrebirds are addictive. Still, I guess
you've seen worse addictions.
And in any case, all lyrebirds are about as far from the Alice as is
Canberra, and if you didn't pick up 'Dubya' in Canberra, it seems safe to
assume you didn't pick up the local liarbird with whom he was fraternising
either, so you should be OK.