I won't go on too much about this as it is the wrong group for it but it
always amazes me that people will put up with traffic noises all day
long yet the calls of birds etc, pisses them off!
OK, they crap a bit on top of cars or in parks, but they don't leave
plastic bags, tin cans and bottles about the place!
It frustrates me to hell.
Go out and record bird sounds and the call of a crow in between is
wonderful, go out and record bird calls and a plane or some kid with
their radio blasting away in the car and I want to shoot the @@
Hi Martyn,
Some people are indeed easily annoyed by what is left of wild life,
while others have not yet abandonned some of the middle ages beliefs.
The result is the same. It happened in the past with the Common Raven
(Corvus corax) which disapeared completely from Belgium until it was
reintroduced about 30 years ago... It is happening once again, now, with
birds such as the Buzzard and the Kestrel (I have read reports on a
Belgian Ornithology list about how farmers kill these birds and leave
them attached to sticks in the fields...) And it is happening also with
foxes which have been back in large numbers to our region since for the
last 10 years...
Very sad indeed...
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