Here's an inquiry I received recently. If you have any ideas, please reply
to the list and I'll respond to the person who inquired.
>ok i dont always hear it. but its like a shrill call, high pitched. i live
>near a wooded area. in the USA, NewYork state in albany county just
>outside of ablany I only hear it at night. it almost sounds like its
>saying "hiya" but with out the 'h' like ( aye-ya) and its a quick noise.
>the intervals of sound is saying "one mississipi". but sometimes it will
>pause for a while before it starts calling again. Also..theres is another
>sond. it might be the same animal but i cant be sure. it was a little
>lower piched but still very loud. almost like a scream. i dont think its
>a screech owl because they sound is very high to my knowledge. anyway..the
>animal with this call can move around pretty quickly. it was outside the
>house, across the street, down the street and came back on only less than
>a minute. ive never seen it before either
Doug Von Gausig
Clarkdale, Arizona, USA
Nature Recordists e-mail group