I have received this request from a member of the Wildlife Sound Recording
If anyone can help him, I'm sure he'd be grateful.
I was wondering if you could possibly help. I am a member of WSRS currently
doing a study on bird species from different parts of the world. I have
gathered and analysed a lot of data but I am unable to find detailed
information (such as description of bird, call/song, habitat, distribution,
size and any unique habits etc.) of the following birds:
Belford's Melidectes -Melidectes belfordi
Sunda Bush Warbler - Cettia vulcania
Finch-billed Myna - Scissirostrum dubium
Saint Vincent Parrot - Amazona guildingui
Nutmeg Manakin - Lonchura punctulata
Montezuma Orependola - Gymnostinops Montezuma
Such's Antthrush - Chamaeza meruloides
Blue-headed Hummingbird - Cyanophaia bicolour
Saint-Lucia Nightjar - Caprimulgus otiosus
Forest Thrush - Cichlherminia lherminieri
Lesser Antillian pewee - Contopus latirostris
Saint-Lucia Oriole - Icterus laudabilis
Plumbeous Warbler - Dendroica plumbea
Black Penelopina - Penelopina nigra
Black-fronted Piping Guan - Pipile jacutinga
Guadeloupe Woodpecker - Melanerpes herminieri
Brown-backed Solitaire - Myadestes occidentalis
Slate-coloured Solitaire - Myadestes unicolor
Zenaida Dove - Zenaida aurita
Grey Trembler - Cinclocerthia gutturalis
Grenada Flycatcher - Myiarchus nugatory
Lesser Antillean Flycatcher - Myiarchus oberi
If you are able to offer any info on these species then I would be extremely
Yours sincerely
Andrew Fisher
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