All, just let me add that I would love to organize a new Dawn Chorus
project. I have enough space at my server.
But the only way I can work is with a modem. It's too slow.
Best to all,
At 20:08 2003-06-29 GMT, you wrote:
>Hello all,
>Thanks to Dominique Laloux for pointing out the 2001 dawn chorus recording=
>on are all screwed up. It seems that some individuals,
>groups, or organizations haver made it their life's work to destroy all .m=
>and .jpg files on the Internet. I assume that this has something to do wit=
>music piracy or porn images, in any case the reult is that bird recordings
>and bird photographs and my site periodically get clobbered. I can replace
>the material and it will work again. Now it sounds like complete trash
>(which it is, of course). My site host has tried to keep the hackers out,
>but they seem to have more artillery than he has big walls to stop the
>shells being lobbed. Sorry about the inconvenience of having to wander
>through the junk.
>In the past i have volunteered to host any and all dawn chorus projects on
>my site. That includes archiving the material, editing the recordings for
>comformity to the project (I don't mess with the sound quality unless the
>author requests my help). What I don't have time to do right now is organi=
>the activity. If there is an interest in another dawn chorus project I wil=
>be glad to help with the presentation of the sounds via my site, if that i=
>what you want to do. It doesn't have to be my site, if you want me to put
>the sounds together and send them to someone else to host, that is fine wi=
>me. I think the educational value of the project is very high and should b=
>available for the public to experience. perhaps the next dawn chorus shoul=
>have longer segments. Two individuals have sent me material for the "CD"
>version of the dawn chorus project that never materialized beyond the two.=
>did not work at getting all of you stirred up to send me more stuff, but
>perhaps someone else would like to do that.
>In nay case, I support the idea(s) for a group project, hope you will come
>up with ideas for what you would like to do, and I will be glad to help yo=
>put them together the way you want them to be presented.
>Greg Clark
>At 10:29 AM 6/28/2003 +0200, wrote:
>>The other day, I was up at 4:30 and recorded about 15 minutes of the dawn
>>chorus as I can hear it in my garden (I live at the outskirt of a small t=
>>in Belgium).
>>I understand that a "Worldwide Dawn Chorus Recording" was organized in 20=
>>by NatureRecordists... Marty, Rich, Rudy, John, Klas, and many others sha=
>>their recordings...
>>Some of the recordings can still be found here :
>>However, all tracks seem to be very short (some unreadable for some
>>reason)... I wonder if there are longer ones available somewhere ?
>>Is there anything similar organized for this year ?
>>If not, wouldn't it be a great idea to do it this summer, with 5-15 min
>>recordings ? I would love to hear that... Would be great to put together =
>>couple of hours of recordings !
>>Recordings would not need to be all located on the same server, as long a=
>>we keep track of the various links on a web page... For those who are les=
>>fortunate in terms of server space, it should be fairly simple to find a =
>>site or a ftp site in an educational organization that could lend us the
>>space for a while...
>>Any interest ?
>>Dominique Laloux
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Martyn Stewart
>>Sent: 28/06/03 07:10
>>Subject: [Nature Recordists] Gee its quiet here!
>>Walt Wrote
>>(I don't think there is as much of a dawn chorus and quiet day down here
>>as folks think. Even on hot, bright days quite a assortment of birds
>>call all day long. And if it's cloudy and humid, even more. It's more
>>like with dawn there is a gradual addition of species after species as
>>the light increases, and the reverse with dusk. I'm sure there are some
>>dawn specialists, but that's not all there is.)
>>It's quite the opposite here as you well know Walt, we get most of the
>>singers in the morning and they get right into it about 4:30am, we
>>literally get no bird sounds after dusk, if you go out into the
>>countryside you get the occasional Frog or taod and the odd insect
>>noise, what a contrast to Califormnia last week, bird calls and insects
>>through the night coming through my bedroom window.
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