This is a response to Lang Elliott's question on the above.
Firstly I am a wildlife recordists of some 30 years now so my comments should
be taken with the knowledge that I know what a fellow recordists wants from any
of the kit he/she uses out there.
The Nagra V drive noise is of such a low level that it gives no trouble, as
quiet as a Portadat or D10.
The Nagra is now available with hard drives as standard, the website has'nt
caught-up yet. Mine was the first one in England last November.
Bwav full details of this new file format can be found at see under Tech doc 3285. Here you find-out about
your optional chunks.
I hope that answers your questions
Roger C Boughton
PS New boy aiden_king_anselm need'nt worry a lot of us spend a great deal of
our time recording and trying out new techniques, but we do get hung-up on the
kit we use at times. As they say it's not what you've got it how you use it.
I think that answers Bill Rankin's question as well !!
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