Joe P wrote:
> Thanks for the reply, Walt.
> I think I know your answer to this one, but I just have to ask. What
> about the Marantz PMD430 analog cassette recorder? It's affordable,
> seems to have good features, and must be at least somewhat reliable
> since it's still being sold almost 20 years after being introduced.
> The thought of using cassette tape with all it's faults and pitfalls
> kind of creeps me out. But still, I know much excellent work has been
> done using such equipment.
> So how about it. If it comes down to a choice between a consumer MD
> recorder and a pro analog cassette deck, which would you recommend?
I made that choice 5 years ago when I bought my first Sony MZ-R30
minidisc. I started that shopping with all formats on the table, even
expensive DATs and it was really no contest. Only thing that bothered me
back then was worry over the compression, which turned out to be
unfounded. Back then it was much more expensive to go minidisc, the
prices are better now.
I've used cassette, reel to reel, and even wire recorders. I rank reel
to reel well above cassette, but neither stands up to minidisc.
Now, I'm in Georgia, and the heat and humidity here kills cassettes and
cassette equipment. That's what sent me looking back then. I'd had one
too many tape die, and machines that seemed to need endless maintenance.
I do have one person I do a fair amount of field stuff with who records
with a Marantz PMD. One he's had for many years. He does get good stuff.
Though many of his older recordings have printed through now.
I will say I'd rather see someone go out and record with cassette than
not record at all. But if looking at buying a new machine, choosing a
appropriate model minidisc is going to be better than cassette. About
the only way cassette is justified now is if you already have a machine
in good shape. If so, go after a good mic.
You can get some classic minidisc portables, like the MZ-R30, 50, 55 off
ebay in good condition pretty cheaply. Any of those will make a
excellent machine to start out on. The more recent minidisc walkman are
not necessarily any better. In fact there are quite a few models that
are not good field machines. The mp3 craze made a mess of things.