Fernando Gonz=E1lez-Garc=EDa wrote:
> Hi, everybody. I need your help. I have a lot of sound bird recording in
> cassettes. Now, i am thinking to transfer all analog tape to CD-R. I
> understand that i must to digitalize each one cassettes into hard drive.
> Once all the cuts are in my hard drive (for example 30 minutos for one
> cassette side), how can i do for to get the cuts in different tracks?. Co=
> i do that with Cool Edit 2000?. Or i have to digitalize all the cassette
> side in my hard drive and after that i have to separate each cut into
> different track. What is the best way to do that?.
> I have Cool Edit 2000, Hewlett Packard CD-Writer Plus 9100 and Easy CD
> Creator.
Assuming you have a input for analog sound into your computer that's
good enough, sounds like you are set. You should bring the sound in
sampled 44.1khz 16bit, which is the CD standard. To bring in enough for
a CD you will need about a gig of freespace on your HD. The CD files
will take 700megs, the rest is that your software will be making scratch
files as it goes.
Record each part of the cassette that you want to be a track on the CD
into the computer separately as a different soundfile. Or you can record
it all as one long track and then use cut and paste editing in Cool Edit
to break it into tracks, each of which is saved as a separate soundfile.
I normally bring in each track separately as that is quicker to do
overall. Either way works, the CD software will make a track of each
soundfile so you have to have it in individual soundfiles. Then you
simply set up the files in the order you want in your CD software and
burn a CD. Each file will be a track.
While it's soundfiles, you can edit the tracks or whatever you want to
them, like filtering. For archiving I recommend you save them with
little editing and no filtering. That way if you find a better filter or
something, you have the original to work on. I'll trim off any part of
the recording I never will want to save disk space, but that's about all
I do for my archives.
I use macs, so am not familiar with the windows software, but the
process is the same.