jacquelinebittner wrote:
> I own a Sony MZ-R70 minidisc recorder. Sometimes, but not always,
> when I begin to record a new track after having turned off the
> recorder and pressing record to re-start, the second recording simply
> replaces and erases the first recording. It appears to be some kind
> of error with the TOC function. As a result,if I really like a sound
> I generally pull out a blank minidisk and start fresh to make sure
> this doesn't happen.
> Has anyone else experienced this? How can I stop this from happening?
You need to make sure and go to the end of the last track before
beginning recording, this is in the owner's manual, page 8. It appears
someone at Sony thought we wanted a minidisc to behave like a tape
recorder. My MZ-R30's behaved the same way, but it did not take long to
train my habits to take care of it. First press End Search then slide Rec.
The reason this only happens some of the time is because the recorder
normally remembers where you were when you turned it off. But always
check before recording to make sure. Never hit just record to start.